A Ridiculous Top 10 (GIS 4043/4043L- Intro to GIS)

The lab for week 5 allowed us to create and upload a top 10 style map. The map I created can be viewed here. I chose the top 10 drunkest cities in Florida. I thought this was a funny list since with my travels, many folks who I have spoken to who are from out of state consider Florida to be a party destination. The listing used density of alcohol purveyors and geo-located drunk tweets. Divorce rates were also taken into consideration. With this information a list was compiled and quite the list it is. Pensacola, ranked number 4, is my closest city. I can't say I haven't seen others or even myself contribute to the ranking. In the end, the list serves as good fun. My favorite portion of the lab was creating a kmz file. Google Earth is very accessible and to be able to share the map with anyone is great. I plan to create more of such files in the future.
