A Toolbox Is Always Handy (GIS4102- GIS Programming)

With the next module, we jump into geoprocessing and utilizing Arcmap for our scripts. Our task with this lab was to create a model and then export that model to a usable script.

Beginning with the model, we had shapefiles for soil type and a basin. The model begins by clipping the soil to the extent of the basin. Next, the soil that was classified as "Not prime farmland" was selected. Finally, the model erased the non prime farmland from the basin polygon itself.

Next, this model was exported as a script. Although nearly complete, the script required that the file paths and file names be changed accordingly. This is because the script is removed from the ArcMap environment, so some tweaking is necessary. This script was then added into the Toolbox as a script tool.

This assignment was challenging in just keeping track of everything that was created. I'm always leery about something going wrong, but everything turned out successful.
