With our first lab, we looked into the basics of aerial photography along with visually interpreting the photographs. The first portion of the lab was to identify tone and texture within a photograph. As can be seen with the first map, each had five criteria. For the tone: very light, light, medium, dark, and very dark. With the texture: very fine, fine, mottled, coarse, and very coarse. These were identified and marked accordingly.
For the second portion, features were identified from an aerial view. The four criteria were association, pattern, shadow, along with size and shape. The criteria determined how the features were identified and were marked accordingly.
The last portion was to compare a true color image with a false color image of the same aerial view. Features such as the water, trees, and buildings were compared. With observation, the green trees appeared in red and the brown water in the river appeared blue. Another interesting note is that white buildings in the true color image looked almost chromatic in the false color image.

The last portion was to compare a true color image with a false color image of the same aerial view. Features such as the water, trees, and buildings were compared. With observation, the green trees appeared in red and the brown water in the river appeared blue. Another interesting note is that white buildings in the true color image looked almost chromatic in the false color image.
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