It is now time for the final blog post for Intro to GIS. What a wild ride it has been. I've certainly learned much during this course and my breathe of knowledge expanded far more than I anticipated.
With the final assignment, we were tasked in assisting with a proposed corridor for a new transmission line for Florida Light and Power. Four Criteria needed to be met, as seen in the maps to the left. The encroachment on environmentally sensitive areas, the proximity at which the corridor would fall to residential areas, the proximity to schools and daycare facilities, and finally the length and engineering costs.
I also created a presentation outlining the necessity of these maps and their objectives. The presentation can be found here and the transcript found here.
I suppose this wraps everything up. Thank you for viewing my blog and the transition everything has taken from the simplest maps to the more advanced.
The journey continues on.

With the final assignment, we were tasked in assisting with a proposed corridor for a new transmission line for Florida Light and Power. Four Criteria needed to be met, as seen in the maps to the left. The encroachment on environmentally sensitive areas, the proximity at which the corridor would fall to residential areas, the proximity to schools and daycare facilities, and finally the length and engineering costs.
I also created a presentation outlining the necessity of these maps and their objectives. The presentation can be found here and the transcript found here.

The journey continues on.

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