Continuing with the geoprocessing trend, we come to geoprocessing within Python. This involved writing scripts outside the ArcMap environment, but still accessing the arcpy functions.
The goal was to create a script that ran three geoprocessing tools to a shapefile. The tools were add XY coordinates, place a 1000 meter buffer, and finally dissolve the previously created buffer. Also, after each tool is ran, the relevant messages for said tool are printed to the screen. These results can be seen in the screenshot.
Although short, the assignment was still challenging non the less. An important thing to remember is that necessary modules and classes need to be imported before starting the script. Also, depending on where the data is stored as well as either being a shapefile or within a geodatabase, then the appropriate environment and paths need to be set.
Although short, the assignment was still challenging non the less. An important thing to remember is that necessary modules and classes need to be imported before starting the script. Also, depending on where the data is stored as well as either being a shapefile or within a geodatabase, then the appropriate environment and paths need to be set.
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