Working with Geometries (GIS4102- GIS Programming)

This module dealt with working with geometry objects, such as reading and even writing them. The goal was to write a script that would search through a shapefile and open and write to a text document with the search criteria. The results of which can be seen in the image provided.

The pseudo-code for this assignment is as follows:
import necessary modules
set environment
overwrite output
fc = rivers.shp
out_text = rivers_wheiden.txt
searchcursor = [IOD@, SHAPE@, NAME]
for (OID@, SHAPE@, and NAME) for each row
vertex ID = 0
for each point in row, get part function
vertex ID += 1
write to out_text ( OID + vertexID + X coordinate + Y coordinate + River's NAME)
close out_txt
delete cursor
delete row
