Report week involved us to meet the objectives of four different scenarios, along with a written summary.
Scenario 1
with scenario one, two maps were needed in order to detail routes
necessary for the evacuation of the Tampa General Hospital to both
Memorial and St. Joseph's Hospital. Along with the overview of the
route in the area, directions were also given. This information is to
be printed onto pamphlets so that they may be distributed to patients
and their families. Both maps were created in ArcMap, utilizing the
Network Analysis extension. This tool allows the user to place the
starting and destination location and create a route suitable to the
given criteria. A Network Dataset had been previously established,
which contained attributes such as seconds in order to determine the
fastest and simplest route, flooded roads that the public will need
to avoid, and flooded roads that emergency response services can
still utilize. This Network Dataset is used with all scenarios. But
there are limitations to this, such as the routing tool is only
creating a route based on given criteria. It is possible the
impending storm surge will produce different circumstances and the
given route could contain flooded roadways.
Scenario 1

Scenario 2
the second scenario, three maps were produced such that the U.S. Army
National Guard could distribute supplies to three designated storm
shelters. The three designated shelters were Tampa Bay Blvd
Elementary School, Middleton High School, and Oak Park Elementary.
The maps were to be in gray scale only, such that if they were to be
photocopied, there wouldn't be difficulty in reading them. The route
with roadways labeled were also given directions to follow. Included
with the directions were distance and estimated time. Sharing
limitations with the first scenario, these are meant to give the
quickest and simplest routes. A changing of category winds or storm
surge could render this route unusable..
Scenario 3
the impending storm surge estimated to hit the downtown area of
Tampa, this area will need to be evacuated. Scenario three involved
presenting the evacuation routes such that they may be distributed by
television and newspaper. The route is fairly direct, leading
evacuees to either Interstate 275 or Nebraska Ave. The designated
shelter is Middleton High School, which lies north of the downtown
area. Also listed on the map are local police stations, fire
departments, and hospitals should the need for emergency assistance
arise. Although late evacuees might have issues with the given route,
it should prove useful. Traffic will certainly be present and drivers
are told to proceed with caution.
Scenario 4
final and fourth scenario was to create another information map for
distribution to television and newspaper centers. This was to be a
more simplified map with information and warnings kept brief. I chose
to produce this in Adobe Illustrator, with more color so it would be
more presentable on television. The map itself is of the designated
shelters depending on area along with the major roadways of the area.
Travel and shelter information are listed along with a radar image of
the impending hurricane making its way towards Tampa. This map isn't
meant to be studied in depth, only for a general overview.
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