Open Source - Prepare (GIS4930)

Beginning this new project, we started with an introduction into QGIS. This is a free open source GIS program sharing similarities to ArcMap.

After an introduction to the program, we started with the second map which involved using some of the tools within the program. The goal was to show food deserts along with non-food deserts in Escambia County. First, the census tract was clipped to the county boundary. Next, the study area itself had to be defined, which was done by selecting the needed census tracts. Centroids were then added to the tracts. With the Centroids in place, the grocery store locations were added such that there relation could be examined. A .csv file was added titled Near and this was joined with the study area layer. To determine whether or not an area was considered a food desert or not, the table with showing food deserts had a value of -1 for the Near_DIST attribute. These attributes were provided. Once this was done, it was determined that 60% of the population lived in food desert areas.

Although it was interesting to try out a new GIS program, QGIS definitely has its quirks. This could potentially be because I have a bias towards ArcMap since it has thus far been the only program I've ever used.
